Sarah (uit Hilversum) is geslaagd bij MotoJon Motorrijles!

You were stuggling a bit on the Kawasaki ER5 but when we changed to the Yamaha XJ6 ABS you were a different rider.
Took a few hours to master all slow exercises but then it became a formality. All good decisions at your exam!
Enjoy yourself riding with Jason..
Took a few hours to master all slow exercises but then it became a formality. All good decisions at your exam!
Enjoy yourself riding with Jason..
Little did he know that those lessons got me hooked and now riding the bike IS my new comfort zone.
I started my lessons in my jeans and trainers, borrowing the essentials from Jon. As time went on I gradually started accumulating my own gear and going in to motorbike outlets like a kid in a candy shop.
I have gone from learning the ropes in the safe surroundings of a car park, to bombing down the A1 with my head fighting the wind. It's been fun, at times tough but on the whole a great experience.
Jon gives good advice and prepares you well, not only to pass your test, but to take with you the knowledge and skills you need to ride well.
Thanks for everything Jon.
Sarah Knox