Geslaagd: Kejia (28 jaar)

Kejia (uit Utrecht) is geslaagd bij MotoJon Motorrijles!

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Kejia uit Utrecht is geslaagd bij MotoJon Motorrijschool
Kejia uit Utrecht is geslaagd bij MotoJon Motorrijschool Kejia uit Utrecht is geslaagd bij MotoJon Motorrijschool (foto 2) Kejia uit Utrecht is geslaagd bij MotoJon Motorrijschool (foto 3)
My first experience with motorcycle was bad, really bad. That day I was put on the passenger seat of an 125cc motorcycle. The old fashioned, green.painted one with flat seats, looks like a military bike. The drive was a friend of my dad, who coaxed me into sitting still for a couple of minutes.
He promised the fantastic feeling during the trip, but oppositely, scary hit me down. The acceleration, the deceleration and the centrifugal force that made me lean to the ground, all of them composed the naive impression of a motorcycle in my mind.

After recovery from the "nightmare", a few years later, motorcycle and me linked again by the MotoGP event. That was the period for Micheal Doohan. I was attracted by this exciting sport, full of speed and technique. That type of "motorcycle" I had never seen in the real life. Were they working the same as the light two-wheeler which were very popular all around? What kind of feeling would I have on these bikes?

These questions were solved after my spending more time with motorcycle. I had an electrical scooter later in China, for the fact that heavy motorcycle were not allowed in the cities. Driven by batteries instead of petrol, smaller in noise and no exhaust, I tried my best to represent the feeling as if I was riding a motorcycle.:)

Finally I came to NL when I was 22, studying and then working. Life was simple and regular. But I do not really like it. I was scared by living like this I would become old soon. I started to do wave surfing as well as picking up motorcycle.

I chose to start with Jon because he owns a amazingly high traffic exam 1st passing rate. He must have something, I thought. There are too much students who gave very positive comments about Jon's coaching and personality, so I do not have to repeat. The result proves. I am not a quick learner, but still pass traffic exam for the 1st time. I would to thank you, Jon, for your work and for opening the new world for me. "ÓÂÍùֱǰ"


Kejia Ruan
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